I'm going to be very frank here. I think it's sad that we feel such pressure to be modest all the time. I understand that over-confidence is annoying and unattractive, but sometimes, I really think we deserve a chance to brag, and that's okay. So here I go.
I planned a really awesome inquiry lesson about bird beaks on Friday. The kids (and I) absolutely loved it, and they really did learn things from it! It was a huge success!
Also on Friday, the selective mute child in our class spoke to me six different times! I haven't had him speak to me six times in an entire semester! It was so awesome to hear his voice!
I went jeans shopping the other day and bought a size smaller than I normally do. All this hard work is paying off!
My zumba instructor complimented me on my dancing last week. From someone who dances for a living, I'm going to take that as a huge compliment!
I got seven comments on yesterday's post! How awesome is that?!
Okay, I'm done now, thank you for putting up with me.
What would you like to share? Go on, brag a little!
I love this!! You're so right. We do feel the need to be modest too often. I'm proud that I wrote 3 poems yesterday. For a non-poet, I was excited! ;)