Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thank you, slicers!

Once again, it seems, I have no words to say.  This "Slice of Life" challenge is over, and I'm still deciding where this blog should go from here.  As it is, I've been inspired, challenged, and encouraged in ways I never dreamed imaginable, and I could not be more thankful for that.  I have found an incredible community here and I hope to return to it in the future.  Likewise, I hope to continue writing.  I love the way it creates a place for me to vent, to question, or to celebrate.  This has been an incredible experience for me.

Thank you from the very bottom of my heart to all who have been involved.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! We've written for 31 days! I agree - the March Challenge is an exciting time and there are so many inspiring writers around us!
